Robot Project



In this lesson, to get an introduction to Java, you will be programming a virtual robot so that it can navigate its way around a maze and find the finishing (blue) tile.

Create a new folder where we will store everything for the game. Call it something like robot_project.

Getting the Files

Your teacher should be able to give you individual instructions on how to get the files needed for this lesson.

After obtaining the files needed, have a look in the folder, there may be a number of files and folders, but two are particularly important:

  • src - This folder contains all of our java source code.
  • make_and_run_gui - This file is what you canuse to compile our java code and run our program if you are not using eclipse.
Run Your Code

To start off, try running the program to make sure it's working correctly.

The way in which you run your program depends on how you have opened the files.

  • If Using Eclipse: Open the folder com.samlanning.robot_simulator.simulator, right click the file, go to Run As and then select Java Application.

    Hint: from this point onwards, you can just press the green play button at the top of the screen.

  • If NOT Using Eclipse. Open a terminal inside the folder where these files are, and to compile and run the program, you need to type the command: ./make_and_run_gui from inside the terminal. Make sure that your terminal is in the same directory as these new files.

Understanding The Simulator

To begin with there will not be any maps loaded into the simulator, so the first thing you need to do is load a map. After a map is loaded, you can start the robots navigating their way around it by hitting the Play button in the bottom right hand corner.

Load each of the different maps, and hit `Play` each time to see how the existing bots navigate their way around the map.

In the top right hand corner are numbers which control the speed of the simulator. Delay is how much time the robots are paused for after performing an action (in milliseconds) and Animation Duration is how much time the animations last for (also in milliseconts).

Have a go changing these values and see how they affect the simulator.

On the right you will also see a list of robots that are currently on the map, and what their current statuses are.

Managing Your Robots

Open up the folder src/com/samlanning/robot_simulator/robots/. You should see three files in there:

  • - This is currently a robot that does nothing, you will later be modifying this file to make the robot do stuff.
  • - This is a type robot that moves around the map randomly.
  • - This file contains a list of all the robots that we want to currently have on the screen, and what their individual colours are.

Open up the file, you should have something that looks like this:

package com.samlanning.robot_simulator.robots;

import java.awt.Color;

import com.samlanning.robot_simulator.iface.Robot;

 * An enum of all robots that you want to make available.
public enum RobotsEnum {

    MY_ROBOT(new CustomRobot(), new Color(100, 100, 100)),
    RANDOM(new RandomRobot(), new Color(0, 100, 100)),

    public final Robot robot;
    public final Color color;

    private RobotsEnum(Robot robot, Color color){
        this.robot = robot;
        this.color = color;

The important bits are the two lines directly under public enum RobotsEnum {. These two lines define the two robots that we have on the screen at the moment, one is a CustomRobot, and the other is a RandomRobot, named MY_ROBOT and RANDOM respectively, and with custom colours.


Lets modify this file to add two more random robots with different colours to our simulation.

Under the two existing robots, but above the semicolon, write these two lines:

    RANDOM_2(new RandomRobot(), new Color(100, 0, 100)),
    RANDOM_3(new RandomRobot(), new Color(100, 100, 0)),
Run Your Code
Run the program to see what effect this has had to the simulation.

Creating Your Own Map

Open up the folder src/com/samlanning/robot_simulator/maps/. Like with the robots folder, this folder contains all of the information about the different maps that are available to the simulator. The file contains a list of all the maps that we want to use, along with names for them.

This file should look like this:

package com.samlanning.robot_simulator.maps;

import com.samlanning.robot_simulator.iface.RobotMap;

public enum MapsEnum {

    BASIC_1(new BasicMap1()),
    BASIC_2(new BasicMap2()),
    BASIC_3(new BasicMap3()),
    RANDOM_START(new RandomStartMap(new BasicMap3())),
    HARD_1(new HardMap1()),
    HARD_2(new HardMap2()),
    HARD_2_RANDOM(new RandomStartMap(new HardMap2())),

    public final RobotMap map;

    private MapsEnum(RobotMap map){ = map;

Lets create a new map that we can use in the simulation.

Create a new file called in the maps directory, and give it the following content:

package com.samlanning.robot_simulator.maps;

import com.samlanning.robot_simulator.iface.MapBlock;
import com.samlanning.robot_simulator.iface.RobotMap;
import com.samlanning.robot_simulator.simulator.executor.Direction;

public class BasicMap4 extends RobotMap {
    public BasicMap4(){
        MapBlock[][] map = new MapBlock[][]{
            {MapBlock.EMPTY, MapBlock.EMPTY, },
            {MapBlock.EMPTY, MapBlock.EMPTY, },
        this.setMap(map, 0, 0, Direction.UP);

This is a new map file that has 4 tiles (it is 2 tiles wide and 2 high). Lets add this new map to MapsEnum.

In the file, after the line BASIC_3(new BasicMap3()), add this line:

    BASIC_4(new BasicMap4()),
Run Your Code
Run the program to check that your new map has appeared in the list on the right and that you can load it correctly.

Now modify this new map that you have created, by changing the lines under the line MapBlock[][] map = new MapBlock[][]{ to make the map bigger than 2 x 2, and add some wall and finish objects, like in the maps BasicMap1 and BasicMap2.

Hint: Each line should be a row of tiles in the map, and every row needs to have the same number of tiles. You have a choice of MapBlock.Wall, MapBlock.FINISH and MapBlock.EMPTY.

Run Your Code
Run the program to check that your new map works after your changes, and appears how you intended when you load it.

Your First Robot

Back in the robots folder, open the file You should see something like this:

package com.samlanning.robot_simulator.robots;

import com.samlanning.robot_simulator.iface.Robot;
import com.samlanning.robot_simulator.iface.RobotControl;

public class CustomRobot implements Robot {

    public void run(final RobotControl control) {



This file contains the code for a robot that currently does nothing, we will modify this robot so that it can complete some of the maps.

The main component inside this file is the class CustomRobot, it begins with this line:

public class CustomRobot implements Robot {

This class defines what a CustomRobot is and how it should behave, everything between this line and the last line (}) is inside the class. At the moment there is only a single thing inside of this class, the method run:

    public void run(final RobotControl control) {


This method is like a function, and is called by our simulator to control the robot when a simulation starts. There is currently no code inside of this function (between the curly brackets { and }), so this robot will do nothing, and stop immidiately.

The file contains the code which uses this class, it creates a robot called MY_ROBOT, which is a CustomRobot.

If you run the program, you can see that this robot is marked as STOPPED as soon as the simulation is started because it doesn’t do anything inside this method.

Lets make this robot do something!


Inside the run method, write these 4 lines of code:


control is a variable that is accessible from inside the method, it allows the robot to move forwards, or turn left / right in the simulator, and allows it to detect what the tile infront of it is.

In this example, the robot requests to move forward twice, and then move left and right.

Run Your Code
Run the program to see how the robot behaves in the maps BASIC_1 and BASIC_2. What happens to the robot in the map BASIC_3?
Add one extra call to control.moveForward(); at the end of the code you have just written, and run it again to see what happens in the maps BASIC_1 and BASIC_2.

Complete The First Map

Now that you have learned the first building blocks needed to move your robot around the screen, you have got enough tools to help you make a robot that can navigate its way around one of the maps.


Modify your current robot (CustomRobot) so that it can navigate its way to the finish tile (the blue one) in the map BASIC_1.

Hint: you only need to use these three statements, the correct number of times and in the right order:

  • control.moveForward();
  • control.turnLeft();
  • control.turnRight();
Run Your Code
Run your code to make sure that your robot can finish the first map.

A Robot With A Graphical Remote Control

We are now going to make a robot that you can give commands to at each step of the way so that you can allow it to navigate to the finish manually.


In the robots folder, create a new class and call it RemoteRobot, and paste in the following start code:

package com.samlanning.robot_simulator.robots;

import com.samlanning.robot_simulator.iface.Robot;
import com.samlanning.robot_simulator.iface.RobotControl;

public class RemoteRobot implements Robot {

    public void run(RobotControl control) {

Now open the file and on a new line under the line where you create the MY_ROBOT robot, write this:

REMOTE_ROBOT(new RemoteRobot(), new Color(50, 50, 50)),

Note: You can get rid of the lines that define the random robots now if you like.

Run Your Code
Run your code to make sure that a new robot called REMOTE_ROBOT has appeared on the side and in the map.

Under the first line of code in this new file, that starts with package, write the following line:

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

This imports a class into our file which we can use in a little bit that will allow us to create a popup message that asks the user a question.

Inside the empty run method, write the following lines of code:

        Object[] moves = { "Forwards", "Left", "Right", "Stop" };
        int selection = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null,
            "Please Pick a Next Move",
            "Next Move",

This code firstly creates a new variable called moves that is a list of options that we will allow the user to choose from to control the robot.

Secondly, this code opens up a dialog box asking the user to select an option, this code will then wait until the user has selected an option, and then the variable selection will become a number between 0 and 3 that represents the move that the user selected.

Run Your Code
Run your code, you should see that when you load a map and start the simulation, that a dialog box pops up asking the user for a choice. If you select an option, the robot will not do anything and will shut down immidiately because we do not actually tell the robot to do anything after we ask the user for input.

We need to now get the robot to move in the correct way depending on user input.


Under the code you have just written, write the following:

            if(selection == 0){
            } else if(selection == 1){
            } else if(selection == 2){
            } else {
Run Your Code
Run your code, after the user chooses an option, you can see that the robot will perform the correct action, but it will only ever do one action.

At the moment, the robot will never perform more than 1 action, let’s get the robot to continually ask for actions while it is running.


Above the line where we set the selection variable, write this:

while(true) {

And under the last line of code that you added in the previous step, add this:


What this does is it wraps the code that asks for a user request and performs an action in a while loop that goes on forever (or until the simulator stops the robot, or until the user selects the stop action.

Now that we have added some extra code around our previous code, the indentation is probably all wrong and it would be nice to fix this! If you are using eclipse, press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + F, and it will automatically format all of your code in a nice way to try and make it more readable.

The reason it can do this is because, unlike python for example, Java is not whitespace-sensitive, it has other ways of working out what code is "inside" other bits of code (the curly braces { and }), so it has the freedom to add extra spaces anywhere it likes without changing the meaning of the code.

Run Your Code
Run your code, and if all is working, you should be able to control the robot to get it to the finish tile.

The final thing that we want to do is move the code in the while loop into a separate method.

Firstly, move the line which creates the variable moves (the one that starts with Object[] moves ...), above the line that says @Override.

Next, before the final bracket at the end of the file, write this:

private void doAStep(RobotControl control){

This is a new method, which takes control as an argument.

Next, move all the code from inside the while loop to inside this new method.

Finally, inside the old while loop, write this:


Don't forget to re-format your code! It's good practice to do it every time you make a change to your code.

Run Your Code
Run your code, and if all is working, you should be able to control the robot to get it to the finish tile.

Detecting what is infront

As well as being able to move the robot around, the variable control allows the robot to check what the tile infront of it is, later we will use this to create a more intelligent robot that can work its way round many maps, but for now lets just see how to access this information.


Above the line import com.samlanning.robot_simulator.iface.Robot;, write the following:

import com.samlanning.robot_simulator.iface.MapBlock;

This imports the type MapBlock which will allow us to inspect the block infront of us.

Inside the new doAStep method, right at the start, write this:

MapBlock ahead = control.lookAhead();

And below that, where we have the string "Please Pick a Next Move", replace it with this:

"The next block ahead is " +
Run Your Code
Run your code, and if all is working, when the robot asks the user for the next move, it should also say what is currently infront of it.

Making a Robot that works for Many Maps

We are now going to make a robot that is based on a simple idea, try and keep to the left as much as possible, if there is a wall keep going, and if there is no wall to the left, turn left and keep going down there. If there is a wall to your left and infront, turn right, and if there is a wall to the left, the front and the right, turn all the way around and come back the way you came.

Implementing this robot is made a little bit tricky by the fact that the robot can only look ahead and not to the side, so it will need to turn to the left often.

Lets make this robot.


In the robots folder, create a new class called SmartRobot, and write this inside it:

package com.samlanning.robot_simulator.robots;

import com.samlanning.robot_simulator.iface.MapBlock;
import com.samlanning.robot_simulator.iface.Robot;
import com.samlanning.robot_simulator.iface.RobotControl;

public class SmartRobot implements Robot {

    public void run(final RobotControl control) {
            while(control.lookAhead() == MapBlock.WALL)

This robot behaves exactly as described in the paragraphs above, but we still need to add it to RobotsEnum.

Add this new robot to RobotsEnum like we have done previously, call it SMART_ROBOT, and give it any color you like.

Run Your Code
Run your code, you should now have a new robot, and it should be able to finish the maps BASIC_1, BASIC_2, BASIC_3 and RANDOM_START.

For the map BASIC_1, this robot goes the long way round. Lets make a version that instead keeps to the right and will solve this map quicker.


Create a new robot called SmartRobot2, and using the same starting code as SmartRobot, make it keep to the right instead of to the left.

Add this robot to RobotsEnum like we have done previously.

Run Your Code
Run your code and make sure your new robot behaves as you would expect.

Challenges (Extension Material - Hard)

When you are comfortable enough with Java, here are some tasks you can do if you return to this lesson.

  • Make a robot that works for the hard maps (without hard-coding anything).
  • Locate the part of the simulator code that draws the robots on the screen, and change the look of the robots to a different shape, and potentially make them very detailed.
  • Modify RobotControl so that a robot is also able to look left and right, update the simulator for this to work, and create an up-to-date robot that can finish a maze using less moves.
  • Modify RobotControl so that a robot can also move backwards one space, and create a robot that uses this functionality. Make sure that you handle crashes correctly.